This year's Jake Davies Smorgasbord will begin at 6 o'clock, when the whistle blows on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. The Annual 10 cent meal is sponsored by the Wilton Chamber of Commerce and is a way for Wilton businesses to thank area customers for their patronage throughout the year.
The menu features Ham & Turkey sandwiches and more. Don't miss it! The Smorgasbord is a dinner served to hundreds of visitors by the local business people. If you have an organization that would like to have display booth; please feel free to do so. At 5:55 p.m. Dayne Johnson and Cassie Maine will sing the National Anthem! Entertainment will be provided by Anchors of Praise and the Wilton Steperettes.
Also for sell: popcorn; the Boy Scouts will be selling pop for $1 a can and doing the Balloon Lobber for 3 for $1.00. Wilton FFA will have their petting zoo once again. The Music Boosters will have pies, which is always a hit so don’t miss it!
A raffle will conclude the evening, with approximately 100 prizes to be given away. The highlight of the drawing is the GRAND PRIZE. The winner gets to spend a $450 CHAMBER GIFT CERTIFICATE at any Chamber Members place of Business!
Price to purchase a ticket is: 1 book for $2.00 (3 chances in each book). Tickets can be purchased from any Chamber member or at the Chamber office. The meal will begin at 6:00 p.m. when the whistle blows!! Let's see a great crowd for this year's JAKE DAVIES SMORGASBORD! If you have further questions or need more information, contact the Chamber office.