“The 2nd Annual Muscatine County Freedom Rock Smorgasbord event kicked off the formal sale of raffle tickets this past Monday at the Wilton City Council Chambers. Shown buying hopefully the lucky tickets are, from left to right, councilman Bill Voss, mayor Keith Stanley, councilman Steve Owens, councilwoman Sheryl Lenker, councilman Wayne Budding and councilman Ted Marolf.
The grand prize for the drawing this year will be a custom painted golf cart similar to the one shown here. Several other prizes will be raffled off at the September 5th, 2022, Labor Day Monday event. Tickets are on sale at Brammeier’s Auto Service, the Wilton Candy Kitchen, White Pigeon Insurance and at the offices of the Wilton Development Corporation in the City Hall or give the organizing committee a call to find out where tickets are available.
“We hope to build on last year’s event with even more fun stuff this year,” said Becky Allgood, director of the WDC. “We’ll have bounce houses for the kids starting at 2 pm at Elder Park. Music is being provided by everybody’s favorite band, “the River City 6”, and the Wilton Fire Department and the Durant Fire Department will be staging a combination training / hose competition event right down in front of the Freedom Rock in downtown Wilton!”
Allgood continued, “And yes, we’ll have a 25 cent meal for all attendees! The Wilton Candy Kitchen will serve ice cream cones and the Wilton Legion Auxiliary will be selling soda and water. It’s a great way to wrap up the summer!”
The Muscatine County Freedom Rock will also add 53 engraved pavers as a closing addition to the site.