This year's Jake Davies Smorgasbord will begin at 6 o'clock on Tuesday, May 15, 2012.  The Annual 10 cent meal is sponsored by the Wilton Chamber of Commerce and is a way for Wilton businesses to thank area customers for their patronage throughout the year.  The menu features Ham & Turkey sandwiches and more.  Don't miss it!!  The Smorgasbord is a dinner served to hundreds of visitors by the local business people.  If you have an organization that would like to have display booth; please feel free to do so.  Entertainment will be provided by the Muscatine Academy of Music & Dance, Wilton High School Chorus, Wilton Stepperettes and the Heartland Fellowship Church Drama Ministry.  Ryan Leathers and Caitlin Bisbey will be singing the National Anthem before the meals start.   Also for sell:  popcorn; the Boy Scouts will be selling pop and doing the Balloon Lobber.   Wilton FFA will have their petting zoo once again.  The Music Boosters will have pies, which is always a hit so don’t miss it!  THIS IS THE 50TH YEAR AND WE WILL BE INTRODUCING THE DAVIES FAMILY!



A raffle will conclude the evening, with approximately 100 prizes to be given away.  The highlight of the drawing is the GRAND PRIZE.  The winner gets to spend a $450 CHAMBER GIFT CERTIFICATE at any Chamber Members place of Business!!!  Price to purchase a ticket is:  1 book for $2.00 (3 chances in each book).  Tickets can be purchased from any Chamber member or at the Chamber office.  The meal will begin at 6:00 p.m. when the whistle blows!!  Let's see a great crowd for this year's JAKE DAVIES SMORGASBORD!  If you have further questions or need more information, contact the Chamber office (563-732-2330).