Community News & Events

2012 Wilton Founders Day - August 24th & 25th

The Founders Day committee has met and is making plans for this year’s event.  The theme will be “Hot Time in The Old Town Tonight” and the grand marshals are Dale & Jane Kreimeyer.  We would love to see a lot of parade entries this year!  Once again there will be the Eager Beaver run, Cornhole Tournament, Carnival, Bingo, Car Show, Parade, etc.  The bands this year are Friday night from 8 – 12, “Wilton’s own XL’s” and Saturday from 9 – 1 “Crazy Delicious from Cedar Rapids!   


This year's Jake Davies Smorgasbord will begin at 6 o'clock on Tuesday, May 15, 2012.  The Annual 10 cent meal is sponsored by the Wilton Chamber of Commerce and is a way for Wilton businesses to thank area customers for their patronage throughout the year.  The menu features Ham & Turkey sandwiches and more.  Don't miss it!!  The Smorgasbord is a dinner served to hundreds of visitors by the local business people.  If you have an organization that would like to have display booth; please feel free to do so.  Entertainment will be provided by the Muscatine A

2012 Wilton Founders Day

AUGUST 24 & 25, 2012

The theme will be "Hot Time In The Old Town" and the grand marshals are Dale & Jane Kreimeyer.

We would love to see a lot of parade entries this year! Once again there will be the eager beaver run, cornhole tournament, carnival, bingo, car show, parade, etc. The bands this year are Friday night from 8 – 12, "Wilton’s own XL's" and Saturday from 9 – 1 is "Crazy Delicious" from Cedar Rapids!

Legislative Open Forum

The Legislative Committee of the Wilton Chamber of Commerce will hold a Legislative Open Forum on Saturday, March 10, 2012 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. at the Wilton Community Room – 104 E. 4th St.



This meeting will have Representative Jeff Kaufmann and Representative Mark Lofgren on hand to answer and  discuss current issues before both the House and the Senate.

Christmas Activities

The Retail Trade committee of the Wilton Chamber of Commerce is planning their annual Christmas activities for Sunday, December 4, 2011.  There will a parade for Santa and Mrs. Claus’s entrance to Wilton.  They will be available to visit with area children from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at the old Library Bldg. – 106 E. 4th St.). The Window Walk will be held at the same time and area businesses, groups & individuals are encouraged to participate.  



2011-2012 United Way Campaign

The United Way of Wilton will be kicking off their 2011-2012 Campaign in October.  Once again we will be doing a mailing for both Wilton and Moscow residents and the rural Wilton School District areas.  Please watch your mail for this information.  The success of the campaign depends on you for reaching the goal.